
Showing posts from March, 2025

February 2025

February on the Ardley patch got off to a great start when Justin Taylor found a Green-winged teal on the Quarry lake on 6th. Fortunately it stuck and I was able to see it in the gloom the next morning. It seems a good chance it was the same bird that had been at Otmoor given their rarity, but then amazingly another was found the next day only a few miles away in the Mid-Cherwell valley, so at least two in the area. There have been up to 150 teal wintering at Ardley, using both the quarry lake and ERF lagoon. It was good fortune that the GWT picked probably the most viewable spot on the site and remained for the remainder of the month. I also managed to see the Clifton bird so it is fair to say I've had my fill of this species recently!  The adult Caspian gull was still around at Ardley during the month.  I don't often see foxes at Ardley and never two together before. Gull numbers increased at Blenheim early in the month. Three Yellow-legged gulls in one afternoon was a good ...